
Mega Session 2021 Projects

Link for more details

Fun IMU Session

The session explored the working of the MPU6050 IMU sensor and the physics behind it. Coordinators further taught I2C communication protocol obtained the accelerometer, gyroscope, temperature data from the sensor for motion detection and replication.

IoT Weather Station

This session served as an introduction to the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), its reach and hands-on applications. Coordinators explained the working of temperature sensors (LM35) and their data processing.

Machine Learning on MCU

This session was all about combining Machine Learning on Hardware. Participants explored the basics of Machine Learning (especially the Random Forest Classifier) and built a Harry Potter magic wand project as the Capstone project. Wingardium Leviosa indeed!

Python for embedded system

This session introduced the participants to the basics of MicroPython. Participants explored the working of OLED, Joystick and Buzzer modules to build their very own Ping Pong Arcade game!