
Dev Board 2.O

Presenting the Electronics Club Development board 2.O, a powerful and enhanced version of our in-house development board. Built around ESP WROOM 32 SOC, with built-in WiFi & Bluetooth connectivity. Witness the trendy blue color micro-controller board with a classy look along with a purple-colored compatible sensor shield and L293D motor driver shield.

Main features of the board

Clock frequency

240 MHz


Dual core


Digital - 24 pins, Analog - 15 pins

Peripheral Interfaces


Flash Memory

16 MB


WiFi, Bluetooth, ESP Now

Designed by Electronics Club

  • Built around the powerful and versatile Dual-Core ESP WROOM 32 SoC
  • With a Flash memory of 16 MB (4X of standard ESP32) and built-in WiFi and Bluetooth
  • With Secure Boot mechanism and enhanced PSRAM Performace
  • Fast, Flexible, and Flamboyant with applications ranging from IoT to AI on Edge

In-house Custom Compatible Shields

L293D Motor Driver Shield

  • Custom Motor Driver Shield ideal for DC and Stepper Motors.
  • Plugs right into the Electronics Club Dev Board 2.0.
  • Perfect for Robotics and Mechatronics projects.

Smartwatch Shield

  • Custom peripheral shield supporting an assorted array of peripherals.
  • Plug-in and Play with IMU, OLED and Joystick.
  • Create your own games, build your own smart watch and what not!


Kit Price : Rs 2499 (Free shipping across India)

The Electronics club kit is carefully curated to include all components necessary to explore the domain and build moderate to advanced level projects. It also comes in eco-friendly reusable packaging with special boxes for delicate components. Catchy stickers with welcome card give it a personalized touch. Components worth 3.5K at only rupees 2.5K with free shipping accross India, is just something you cannot resist!

More details Buy now

*Image taken from last year session


From Participants of Electronics Club Mega Session 2021

Packaging was awesome, the whole process was very well organized, completely satisfied with the kit and I would very much appreciate the effort taken to test each component and pack this nicely

The kit was so well packed and everything is in there… The stickers and the use of the box itself for storing in the future were good ideas.

The kit and the packing were amazing! It was very compact so it was very convenient. Also, the labels idea was good as we got to know what are the components and how do they look like while labelling. Everything was done in a professional manner.

Felt like a pro doing these projects. Enjoyed and learnt a lot.

It’s an awesome session. There is very good involvement. I feel lucky to participate in this session.

The session was amazing! It was well planned and also well executed. It was very informative and intuitive.